FAQ - couple’s counselling

Couples counselling with Wendy Brewer

What to expect:

Some people fear that when they come to couple’s counselling, their relationship will be assessed and blame will be assigned. Nothing could be further from the truth!

I see my role as that of a communication facilitator. My job is to assist you both to be able to express yourselves kindly and effectively and to listen to each other with compassion, so that you can regain connection and resolve your relationship issues.

Will communication facilitation help or make things worse between us?

I can understand and appreciate this concern. You may be thinking “what if we start talking and one or both of us says something that damages our relationship?”

I want to reassure you that sessions with me will follow a planned format which is designed to bring about honest communication in a way that protects and enhances your relationship, rather than damaging it.

How do we know if we have a communication problem in our relationship or if it is something else?

Here are 6 signs that your relationship problems are communication problems.

1.       You have the same argument again and again and never seem to be able to come to a resolution.

2.       One of you does a lot of talking while the other shuts down, nothing gets resolved.

3.       You’ve stopped talking about issues that are important, you just ignore them.

4.       You argue over small things that probably shouldn’t matter but you can’t seem to reach a resolution and resentment is building.

5.       The same past events keep getting brought up, over and over, you can’t seem to resolve them.

6.       You seem to be drifting apart, living together but not really operating as a couple, intimacy is lacking in your relationship.

If any one or more of these are occurring, communication training and practise will be of benefit to you.

(Sometimes, the issue is not one that communication facilitation will be able to resolve, if there is abusive behaviour taking place in the relationship, I will refer you to some organisations that may be able to help).

Will it work?

I wish I could give out guarantees! Unfortunately, the answer is that I just don’t know what the outcome of our sessions will be. What I do know is that you will both learn skills that you will be able to use in every relationship you have, for the rest of your life.

What if we decide to break up?

If it becomes clear to one or both of you that the relationship has ended, I can assist you to communicate with each other and reach agreements in order for the break-up to be handled as wisely and maturely as possible, hopefully reducing the pain both for yourselves and any children who are in your care.

 How many sessions do we need?

The recommended communication facilitation programme consists of 6 sessions, each 90 minutes in length. We will meet each fortnight.

Depending on your circumstances, you may choose to attend more or less than the recommended six sessions.

Phone consultation

Before your first session, we will have a free 15 min phone consultation to answer any questions you may have.

How much does it cost?

Initial sessions are priced at $210 each.

Subsequent sessions are $190 each.

Saturday morning sessions are $210 each.

After hours sessions are $220 each.

All sessions must be paid in advance.

How do we book?

To book please send a text message with the time that suits you best to 0408 799 061.




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